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Hello everyone, it’s time for the weekly Yashahime and it’s one big and not really shocking revelation in today’s episode.

We start off with Riku meeting up with Hosenki II, that is passing what seems to be a Rainbow Pearl, and Izayoi’s rouge to the alleged pirate and he soon goes off to Kaede’s village where he meets with Inuyasha to give him something important.

That object is a black pearl, the same one from the previous series that links to the bone graveyard of Inuyasha’s father. Kagome gets handed Lady Izayoi’s rouge. It’s found out through the conversation that Hosenki is the son of Hosenki, the one that offered Tessaiga “Adamant Barrage”. He asks Inuyasha to show him the special attack, which the short-sighted half-demon does, to Kagome’s aggravation.

Hosenki speaks of the completion of the Black Pearl, along with some insight on how it was made; by the deep sadness of Inuyasha’s mother. When giving Inu the pearl, he also hands over the rouge of Izayoi as well, which Kagome happily accepts.

Though it’s a nice occasion, Inu states that he doesn’t need such things due to his abrasive nature and once again puts the pearl in his right eye, to Hosenki and Kagome’s surprise, the former states that by doing that, he wouldn’t be able to access it unless if it’s an emergency. Inuyasha is rather aloof with doing that. Kagome berates her husband over his actions and internally states that he can never just be honest with his feelings.

A month has passed since the Root Demon scenario and we see a 7-year-old’s Kin’u and Gyo, which I think is the age due to their height and walking on their own but does anime EVER confirm an age unless stated officially? They rush to tell Kaede that “Lady Rin” is about to give birth and that she should hurry. The twins are excited and state they will give her kids more attention than their baby brother…damn it’s rough to be the only boy in the Miroku/Sango family.

We see Sango and a now standing and walking Hisui getting Kagome, who is also coming along with her pregnancy yet it’s hard to tell as her bump doesn’t show. Sango and Kagome are about to go when the twins show up saying that Kaede needs her help. Kagome is okay with them heading off as she can make it by herself.

She then meets the shady Riku who introduces himself. Kagomoe is surprised he knows her name and he says that her name is known due to her exploits and strange technology (like a bike). He then tells her of the Grim Comet is coming and it always shows up every 500 years. The comet leaves large fragments to fall due to its size and it comes crashing into earth. Riku gives her a brief history lesson of when it came during the height of demons where they were the majority and humans were dying off due to war and famine and two great dog demons from the east and west joined forces to destroy the fragments.

This is where we get cool visuals of the two in action. Riku mentions that it’s coming again and that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru join forces in this endeavor. Kagome asks of Kirinmaru to which he warns her that the great demon hates humans and that if he were awakened he would kill her and her unborn child due to being human and in a quarter-demon.

Kagome soon states she would inform Inuyasha and get him to work together with Sesshomaru as she heads off. Riku can only smile as if his plans are finally underway…

Sesshomaru and Jaken are on the outskirts of the village when they hear about the birth of the babies. The demon senses someone behind him and it’s Zero. Apparently, Zero is “friends” with Sesshomaru’s mother and asks how she’s doing. Sesshy is aloof and states he hasn’t seen her in forever.

Damn, Sesshomaru knows how to keep his sarcastic and dramatic mother in check, doesn’t he?

Zero casually mentions her congrats to his half-breed children and is also bemused given his reputation of hating humans and the like, along with taking a human wife. A. Human. Wife. Yeah. Zero goes on about that until Sesshomaru attacks her and it’s revealed to be a Shikigami puppet She gives him a warning of the approaching comet and needs to use his Bakusaiga. She then peace’s out as Sesshy goes to see the just-born babes.

We now see who is Towa and Setsuna’s mothers and it’s…Rin. Yes, Rin. The one who believes in Sesshomaru with all her heart and she looks to be around 16? More on my opinion later but now we got confirmation that she is the mother of the half-breeds.

Sesshomaru arrives and takes the babies to their surprise. Even Kaede berates him and calls him a fool! All he mentions is the “rite of courage and cowardice” and is about to head off into the night. Kagome, Sango, and Kaede are baffled and before he leaves, Kagome asks him about Kirinimaru and if the birth of his kids is linked to him. She continues on about the fragmented comet and how he and Inuyasha’s power is needed to stop it.

He flies off and Rin just says she has faith in him and whatever he has planned for their children. Jaken hands off instructions for Inuyasha to where to meet them for the event and has a nice moment with Rin before taken off.

Sesshomaru deals with the snake demon from some episodes ago and is able to get his hand on the Rainbow Pearls that were originally in her possession and now we know how the twins got them in the future. He states that these were Zero’s tears originally before moving away and landing near the sacred tree of ages.

He places them at the foot and Jaken declares he will be their caretaker and raise them in Rin’s place. In a surprising moment he places a barrier around the tree, to hide their presence from any demons that would do them harm and state he would eventually bring Rin here.

Sesshomaru gives his daughters the yellow and white pearls before flying off to deal with the comet. We soon arrive at Sesshomaru’s mother’s palace where the comet will hit and Inuyasha and Kagome arrive. Sesshomaru uses his Bakusaiga to slice it open first as a dark and evil substance erupts from it. Inuyasha uses his Tessaiga and unleashes his “Meido Zangetsuha” to send it to the underworld.

Sesshomaru Gains Bakusaiga. | Golden Eyes.
InuYasha (Character) Image #2487049 - Zerochan Anime Image Board
Tessaiga using Meido Zangetsuha

After some small talk, they all leave. We meet up with Zero who has awakened Kirinmaru as she informs him of the goings-on of Sesshomaru and his now-human wife and twin daughters. A revelation is revealed of a prophecy after the Shikon Jewel was erased as it involves Kirinmaru being destroyed by one of half-blood and one that surpassed time. This means the daughters of Sesshomaru and Inuyasha and Kagome’s daughter, whose mother comes from “surpassed time” will be the ones to full this “destiny”.

Before he says anything Sesshomaru arrives and says will he slay Inuyasha. The two then decide to “attack” and we see the event after Moroha is born and how Kagome gives her the rouge and hands her to Hachi. Kirinmaru goes to attack but Sesshomaru blitzes ahead and takes the black pearl from Inuyasha’s eye, like in the original series, activates it and in a shocking event Kagome gets sucked into the pearl and Inuyasha quickly follows her into that place.

InuYasha | Netflix
These two would be married one day

That is what happened to Inuyasha and Kagome and why they were unable to raise their daughter and why Moroha has no memories of them.

Kirinmaru is surprised by this and Jaken gives an explanation of needing Inuyasha’s power of the Meido someday and it would be right for them to wait it out in the graveyard for now, which the great demon accepts.

Riku is observing the event and can only muse about the Black Pearl and rouge being useful.

We then get a scene where Hachi moved Moroha to be raised by…Koga and his clan? That’s right and there will be more of that in next week’s episode! Zero is able to find the twins, who look to be 4 years old with her Dream Gazing spell and we get the quick version of Homura burning the forest down and Towa being moved through time due to her rainbow pearl.

To conclude we see Riku talking to us and muses that we shouldn’t be greedy with wanting more answers and says that if fate permits, we will meet again for him to continue this tale.

This episode offers loads of information that I and many fans have been speculating about for weeks since we found out about this sequel series. Now, it was obvious who the mother was however to have confirmation brings my own head-canon to ahead given Rin is the one Sesshomaru chose for reasons. Now, I always thought it was a father/daughter relationship in the original series and that her love for him was paternal and kind of trust until she grew older. I figured she’d wind up with Kohaku for a minute but now that is gone.

I’m not upset, I can accept the relationship for what it is. I’m not going to cry over this given Sesshomaru did wait, it seems, and having a baby as a teenager was a thing in the distant past compared to nowadays where it’s still frowned upon.

Now Sesshomaru’s actions are questionable and taking the twins from Rin must be part of something. That kind of blow given when thinking of kids, you’d think they’d be raised by both in harmony but given this is part of the story and plot, it can’t be changed.

Kagome and Inuyasha’s fate being known is good given they aren’t dead and will somehow be able to come back. Though once again Sesshomaru is shady with his actions and it’s more antagonistic than anything.

Now, the question is do Miroku and Sango know the fate of their friends? Miroku knows something about Setsuna at least given his role in sealing her demonic blood. More answers are needed but I think it will be some time before we find out.

It was nice seeing Jakan and Rin’s relationship be calmer given her age (which I have no clue but again saying 16) as she used to troll him with her sass. It shows good growth for the kappa demon. I never figured he had that kind of ability to create a barrier.

It feels like Kirinmaru and Zero are the end game big bad’s but who knows what fate has in store for them and the daughters of Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. I’m surprised that there was a prophecy going around the high-end demon community regarding Kirinmaru’s fate to be sealed though. Maybe Zero is some oracle?

Anyway next week, we will dive deep into Moroha’s growth being raised by the wolf demon clan! Until then, I’m Jeff, signing off!

Yashahime' and the Frustration of Absent Parent Sequels | The Mary Sue
Who would have thought it was destiny for these three to be a group?