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Hello!! It’s that time again where I give an overview of what happened in the latest episode of Yashahime Princess Half-Demon.

Okay fans, we are 10 weeks in and after a ruminating on the excitement I felt for this, I’ll be honest that it’s slowed to a crawl with how the episodes coming out and we are getting demon of the week deal going on and not sure, it feels different from how Inuyasha did their own thing to be honest.

However I have to remind myself that this is a different format and it’s own thing. It is not Inuyasha, it’s a sequel series about the daughters of Sesshomaru and Inuyasha and their own adventures in the federal era and figuring out their past and how come they each have some form of memory loss or questions regarding their parents.

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When he was more of a father figure

As a recap, the story begins with Towa and Setsuna as young girls of four years old, in a random forest where they are enjoying each other’s company. Towa is the go-getter while Setsuna is shy yet determined to keep up. Tragedy strikes in the form of a fire that causes them to escape. As the two are running, Setsuna pushes Towa as a tree is about to fall on her. Towa loses sight of her sister and laments that she should have done something. Setsuna cries out and Towa goes to see if she can find her until the tree of ages pulls Towa into the future of that world.

Yashahime Clip Shows How Towa's Power Compares to Sesshomaru
Using her powers

Towa arrives confused and meets an adult Sota. As if spurred by something, she feels like she can trust him and for Sota’s part, figures out she’s not from this time or world and helps her. A decade passes as Towa has become a member of the Higurashi family and goes about daily life, as Kagome did before her. Yet, she is a tomboy and get’s in fights constantly, which causes her to switch schools at a frequent pace.

Though Towa get’s in fights, she can take care of herself due to her demon blood and while she is mixed with human, that’s still enough of a boost to make her stronger then teenage males and men, in their prime.

Her memories are like a distant echo as Towa has gotten used to the modern era, spite her own problems until fate intervened one day and Setsuna and Moroha arrive from the past and fighting off Mistress Centipede 2.0. It’s revealed that Towa’s latent abilities activate in the form of a demonic lightsaber and with some help from the two half-humans, deal with the situation. After summarization of some answers, the trio head to their original time where the Tree of Ages has a task for them in dealing with Kirinmaru and the four perils.

Though Moroha is all for it, Setsuna and Towa are against and deal with the root demon that gave their predecessors a problem before winding up in Kaede’s village.

Here, Towa, Setsuna and Moroha have their own adventures as Towa tries to find the mysterious butterfly which is taken Setsuna’s dreams and preventing her from recalling her own past. For Moroha, she’s a bounty hunter and conveniently always with them as her targets are the four perils by the one giving her the job, Jyubei the corpse dealer, which he in turn is getting these requests by the mysterious “pirate” Riku, who has his own agenda regarding the rainbow pearls, the four perils, Kirinmaru and Seshomarru’s daughters, in particular, the out of time Towa.

For Setsuna’s part, her memories of the past are gone and for some reason she was brought to Kaede’s village as a pre-teen and joined Kohaku’s reconstructed Demon Slayer Corp. She became a reliable slayer and wields her naginata with expert ease and has a job relationship with Hisui. She is aloof, serious and pragmatic, as Sesshomaru was before he discovered compassion via Rin and Kagura respectively.

Qoo News] “Inuyasha” Spin-off Anime “Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon”  Reveals 1st PV, Cast and Premiere on October 3 - QooApp
Her usual serious expression

Though even with these traits and how slow her progression is, though it’s only 10 episodes, we see glimpse of a personality of one that wants to trust or at least, believe in the sister she constantly denies. There is no doubt she feels a bond with Towa but due to their time apart, different personalities and their approach to situations, Setsuna can’t always trust in Towa’s abilities. While she and Moroha get along fine when it comes to dealing with demons, it’s shown she can be crafty when it comes to her cousin’s naivety, like throwing her off the scent of following her to get the bounty money off of the last peril.

Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Shows The Powers Moroha İnherited From  İnuyasha and Kagome | Manga Thrill
Joyful Moroha

Moroha was seperated from Inuyasha and Kagome as a just born infant for a mysterious reason. Though it appears to avoid Kirinmaru and Sesshomaru as we see her father wielding Tenseiga as Kagome gives her to Hachi. She eventually grows up to 14, gets a sword like her father and becomes a bounty hunter as her occupation. Even though she is also mostly human, her demonic blood is still potent and takes after her dad with enhanced speed and strength.

From her mom, she is blessed with strong spiritual powers. She can activate her latent blood by putting on the rouge and going into an enhanced state which brings destruction to any of her enemies, though it lasts for a short time and she will be asleep for a day, so she has to use it wisely.

Though she has a nice relationship with the brief time she spent at her mothers time, she does not know her mother personally and pretty much goes by what they say. What will become of this is anyone’s guess. As a note, she’s not annoying for me anymore and doesn’t have middle school syndrome as I assumed and I am sorry.

The trio will have plenty of building up their relations with each other and figuring out how they are linked and what the future awaits all of them with the mystery behind the butterfly, rainbow pearls and what happened to Sesshomaru, Inuyasha and the rest of the old guard.

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Federal Fairy Tail

So there’s the basic recap! For the episode itself, you remember those snake demons conjoined to the hip? The ones that were fighting in Last Act before getting killed off? Well, surprise, it’s actually a breed of demon we discover and they are born that way.

These two newer ones, are trying to kill each other and are wrecking havoc until the trio arrive and chase them off until the duo possess Setsu and Towa. Fighting ensues and they can’t control their bodies while under possession. Thanks to Setsuna having a strong will, she is for a second able to use slayer poison which get’s cut by a possessed Towa and they leave their bodies in an almost Poltergeist way.

However the twins take the rainbow pearls and flee. There, they meet the head of their demon clan, a large snake woman and she strikes the blue one without hesitation and takes the pearl. The yellow one is distraught and is cast aside briefly as he laments that even though they hate each, they are one for one another due to being brothers and to an extent wanting to absorb one another as it’s their fate.

Setsu and company arrive and she actually feels compelled to help them out, to Towa’s surprise. The yellow snake demon blows fire at her, to her surprise and asks what he’s doing. She takes a look as her weapon as his flame and it will give her a boost.

The female snake demon gives a minor speech of killing them and getting the other pearl. Okay, maybe but I’m paraphrasing and seriously, by this point we know the drill how the episode formals are going until something changes. It’s Setsuna that gets the big kill today in a nice combo of her Cyclone Burst mixed with flames and eradicates the snake woman. The pearls return to their respective hosts and the yellow snake dude lays to rest while mourning their fate of dying like this.

If your wondering what happened to Moroha…she got left behind and finally catches up. Though it’s a sad ending for the twin demons that caused a ruckus, there is a hint of something else in this episode and that is the connection of siblings and it really resonates with Setsuna in this episode.

Though slowly it’s not what I’d say a big leap, we are seeing Setsuna slowly coming to her own.

So, that’s my mini review of this episode mixed with a recap of what has happened! It feels like we are learning backstory of previous demons that showed up briefly via plot for a time in Inuyasha and getting that information.

Nothing else with what happened with Moroha’s parents, or the twins parents or the Tree of Ages. And what happened to Hsiu? I know he’s a support character but come on, he’s the monk and Sango’s son and what of his older sisters? Can’t we just get them in this and have more interaction? That would be fun!

No, I’m not hating on this, I enjoy and like this but, again, not much to go on except my intriging writing or rambling.
I give episode 10 of Yashahime a 7 out of 10.

Until next time my fellow Yashahime fans!