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Greeting anime fans, here is this week’s review for Yashahime Princess Half-Demon!

The episode title is “Meeting through an Apple” and this one is actually interesting as we are getting caught up to episode one in where Towa was introduced and being relegated to what happened in the past.

We see that Towa is aiding her sister, Setsuna and the rest of the Demon Slayers in this cool sequence of Towa sharpening her abilities and good team work skills with the group.

While Kohaku praises Towa for that, along with Hisui and the rest while Setsuna is pretty nonchalant about it. It has nothing to do with outright dislike, just some kind of dismissive way?

Setsu is really showing that she is Sesshomaru’s daughter in that regard and again, I say that this is really hitting in her being an interesting character right now.

I know, the dude that praised her as “Best Girl”, a western anime term you hear on social media on which female character is best, and I am saying this.

Being a fan, one has to come to terms with it is bias on who is best or not and it’s a matter of taste. No answer is wrong in this front. When I think about it, I can’t say that there are no characters that are “best girl” since for 7 episodes, they all carry the show being the protagonist.

Though it’s been Moroha and Towa picking up that slack while Setsu is one note.

Hopfully, that will improve later.

Anyway after a job well done, Towa and Setsuna arrive back at Lady Kaede’s house to rest. Here, we finally are greeted too Setsu playing the violin after getting the instrument in episode 4.

The sound is lovely, though I’m no expert on classical music. If you ever want info on Sailor Venus (rambling on why I love her) I’m your man!

Towa falls asleep to the music and has a dream of them in the modern era where they are eating at some fast food joint and Towa offers her a big cat plushie, which the two hug.

This right here shows Towa’s dream of finishing up the adventure to have normal days with her sister, due to the time that was lost. It’s a wholesome and gentle moment.

Then reality enters into the equation and she wakes up and finds out Setsuna took off with the DS (Demon Slayers) and left her behind. Kohaku asks on that matter with Setsu, to which she replies that she’s not needed.

Towa, rightfully given the amount of time she has improved, is frustrated that she got left behind and treated as a nuisance. So she decides to find the butterfly by herself.

By rights, her sense of smell is slowly getting better though it could use some improvement.

After leaving the village, she bumps into a male walking along. Towa has no time (dismisses him) but he is able to start a conversation with her. He is called Riku and he is some kind of pirate.

Riku (@Riku_Master) | Twitter
Sorry ladies, not that Riku

The duo slowly start talking and wind up in a riverbank which Towa misreads due to smelling water and assumed it was.

While there, they relax and Riku shows an interesting trick; he can manipulate water as if he was a water bender in Avatar. Towa is in awe of this.

Though given that this is history in terms of a fantasy place where demons are the norm and people with spiritual powers is run of the mill, I guess seeing a water bender would be special, I suppose?

No Big Deal Shrug GIF by Cheezburger - Find & Share on GIPHY

Riku sees the snacks in Towa’s possession and is surprised on how they look. She offers him some and he chooses the apple.

Hey, the title makes sense now!

He enjoys the taste of it. If he likes that, he’s definitely like the apples that are in a little quaint town of Storybrooke.

gif mine once upon a time lana parrilla ouat Evil Queen Regina Mills ouat  spoiler bring it on bitches seriously frustrated with this quigleys •
Regina Mills: Welcome to Storybrooke

Riku notices the blade in her possession. She says that it’s fake and he agrees that it until he notices something. Suddenly he departs by getting on boat that coincidently floats by and if fated, they will meet again.

He leaves behind one object and says for her to keep it as a gift. Riku has a smirk on his face, which is never good in any anime.

As he is leaving and not seen in the remainder of the episode, Towa opens it and it’s the geninune ariticle until she is caught by a bunch of guards and gets the blame of the blade being stolen by her.

Well, Riku played her.

Then we meet the old man, who is an owl demon, and it goes from there.

Next, Setsuna is back and discovers that Towa is no where to be found. As is annoyed she puts the relationship she has with said person as a dog and it’s owner…damn, she is cold.

Eventually we see Moroha flying on the raccoon dog and bump into Setsuna who explains she’s looking for Towa. While Moroha thinks Towa is useless with getting lost and being naïve, the raccoon dog (I’m sorry but I couldn’t care less of this character so we are moving on) says that the corpse dealer thinks otherwise given Towa was able to find the new target that Moroha was sent after.

After this, we see a scene where we are introduced to the big bad and Kyuki. It seems Kirinmaru has some kind of amnesia and Kyuki is catering to him. Also, that she is in possiession of the Purple Rainbow Pearl and seems to want to over through her master.

Where ever this leads, that will have to be revealed in time. She soon gets in contact with her minion (owl demon) and she has another minion, a fucking ice polar bear deal with Setsuna and Moroha.

We are greeted where we began this story and it’s funny that while the old man demon is rambling on over this, Towa is thinking on other matters. Like how to get the others to her.

The duo then wind up in a battle with a big chunky bear demon that can manipulate ice and snow. Pretty fun fight and it can’t be destroyed by conventual means and have to find the actual body.

The real body is in the same place Towa is and she notices it. She uses her demon energy to manipulate energy and release it and in conjunction with Setsuna getting her scent due to that movement, she informs Moroha where it is and in a Kagome like motion, nocks her arrow and releases it.

A nice combo of Towa’s energy streams trying to ensnare the polar bear and Moroha’s spiritual arrow’s energy getting the hit was pretty cool.

Then Moroha and Setsuna free Towa, the event in which it’s discovered that the old man was a demon and them chasing after him.

Towa ends the episode the same way as in episode one and that’s where we leave off and are caught up to the present!

Episode 7 was a better showing this week compared to last week. Though some of the same beats, we at least saw how it got to that point of the timeline.

From here, episode 8 looks promising. Along with seeing some past scene play out with Inuyasha and Kagome being confronted by someone?

Only key things I can think of were the Purple Rainbow Pearl and whatever is ailing Kirinmaru. The dude looked kind of imposing and has a similar physique like Sesshomaru. Though he seemed docile due to whatever is wrong with him.

Kyuki seems to be pulling a Kagura with wanting to be her own woman and gain power to overthrow her master.

Sadly, nothing new on any growth of the characters but like said word, it takes time. Whatever happens, I am still enjoying the show very much!

I give this episoe a 7 out of 10!

Until next time!