

Greetings everyone, I hope the day is treating you well?

Moroha, Setsuna, & Towa from Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon in 2020 |  Anime, Inuyasha, Cute pokemon wallpaper
This is a nice pic!

I do apologize for the delay in this weeks blog post, it has been an exciting and bewildering weekend here in USA. For those who don’t know, though it’s big news, Joe Biden is going to be the 46th President elect of the United States. And the biggest surprise, Kamala Harris will be the first African American/Indian/Asian woman to be his Vice President Elect in history!

The week of the election was for the most part, stressful and everyone had anxiety or fear to go through another 4 more years of someone who has no qualifications for being the leader of the United States of America!

However with “too close to call” states, it seemed like he could have won it but thanks to mail in ballots and people choosing, Biden/Harris got the vote and it went on like Tron! Loads of celebrations from key cities or states and even Paris got in the action with the church bells ringing at night!

So, my weekend was pretty much taken a relaxed breath that energy sweeping over me.

Anyway, Yashahime was a one and done episode this week. Nothing big happened worth of note. Except that Moroha, a character I downplayed in the beginning, has not went to first place of an excellent character with growth and action.

She has run away with the gold medal with Towa picking up the pace with her small actions of growth. Setsuna, sadly, is coming across of being one note and pre-Sesshomaru in the earlier story of Inuyasha. She’s serious but that’s all and nothing much.

The episode is all about cat ghost haunting a random town that the trio stumble onto after bumping into a little girl after she collapsed from hunger. They give her some snacks and she’s right as rain.

The team deal with the ghost cats and soon head to an abandoned temple where they meet a random monk. Towa becomes star struck due to this person looking like a male idol named Julian. He is the one doing it due to being possessed by a cat demon that was buried underneath the temple that he accidently unleashed by praying to the damn thing.

A battle erupts and it’s Towa who is the big player in this as she is able to absorb the cat’s demonic energy, like what Tessaiga does and stops the rampaging. Setsu, whom was against her trying it in the first place since she believes Towa has to change her mindset while being in the Federal era.

Towa holds onto her ideal of not killing anyone needlessly and helping those in need, shocking Setsu.

The day is saved and the trio continue their journey. Along with Moroha not getting paid since this was a job from the demon corpse broker.

Like I said, nothing much this time around. It’s not like the show is losing momentum, this is just a one and done with no real consequence.

As stated, currently the top character is Moroha with Towa coming next and Setsu slowly coming in third. I still believe in Setsuna but man, I have to admit she’s hit a bit of a slump and not much progression as of now. It should change come more episodes down the line.

It’s safe to say I give this episode a 6.5 out of 10. Not the best but certainly not the worse.

This one is pretty short and I apologize. I feel there will be more of this downline but when it picks up, I will write with much gusto. Sorry for the political talk as well but just because this is a post on anime, as an adult, I can’t deny the process of real life affecting my mindset and that was a big one.

At the end of the day, no matter what your political banner, we are people and should treat each other with the respect and decency we yearn for.

Until next time, everyone!