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Hello everyone, as I’m typing this it is Halloween so I hope you enjoy the spooky day with loads of your favorite gory films. I know I am watching Halloween 2018. Of course, I watched the original earlier since it’s the day and it’s my favorite one. Though I do enjoy the sequels, spite not being in-story anymore continuity wise.

Halloween (2018 film) - Wikipedia

Anyway this is a day late, but this is episode 5 of Yashahime! Boy, we are just going by and this one certainly gives us what to expect in a typical fashion like it’s predecessor.

InuYasha | Netflix

This one is a Moroha centered story where we are introduced to some sinister future enemies in the name of the 4 perils, demons who are under the order of Kirinmaru, a name that was stated in the previous episode.

The four’s name is Konton, Totesu, Kyuki and Tokotsu that make the group and it’s shown that Kyuki is observing Tokotsu via the 4-eyed owl, which is spying on the trinity when they arrive to the federal era.

It seems before Moroha went to the present, she was in a fight with Tokotsu and seemed to have killed him and after that found the Red Rainbow Pearl before taken off with a cart with lots of stuff that she would sell off.

As Moroha heads off to get the bounty from two episodes back, Kaede can’t help but think how she reminds her of Kagome. Seriously, what is with this not knowing deal?

Towa for her part is amazed at where she is while Setsuna is less then thrilled but content. Towa thinks they will start the mission of finding the Dream Butterfly but Setsu has no real reason to do anything regarding that.

Wow, Setsu is just a ball buster!

Setsuna decides to continue her job of being a Demon Slayer and is tasked by Kohaku to deal with a demon taken away humans bones. Towa decides to go with her, to her chagrin. Kohaku can’t help but be amazed that they are the daughters of Sesshomaru though Setsu still in denial about that and whines up in a comical moment.

The duo head off and we wind up back with Moroha as she is at a corpse dealer named Jyubei; he’s the one who gives the demon-blood bounty hunter her cut for what she kills. Interesting facts are thrown out about a debt that she is owed and how is shouldering it.

To get her profit, he informs her of the demon Tokotsu and to bring it back to get the gold, which she is all but happy to do. Then we enter old flea Myoga!

He’s still around y’all!

Myoga | Wiki | Inuyasha Amino
Still looks the same

Apparently he was sold by Moroha by accident but that’s not important given he will find a way to be in this episode dammit!

Anyway the story moves on as Towa and Setsuna are at a bridge waiting on the target and the the silver-haired teen tries to bond but, once again, Setsu is not having any of it. Then the target appears, Jakotsumaru, with a cart of bones he took.

Setsu and Towa go to get him but he escapes like a thief in the night. Then like clock work they meet Moroha at a rather large estate. Moroha is only there for the bounty and doesn’t want to share the profits if they help. Though she changes her mind quickly when it’s mentioned that she can use the duo to be a kind of shield.

Seems Moroha is a sneaky and manipulative character and it’s a nice change. That’s a character trait all her own.

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The trio enter the palace and exposition is thrown out! Jakotsumaru revives his father, Tokotsu but his resurrection is only limited to his head due to his body already being destroyed and seperated by Moroha.

A battle soon erupts, because this is supposed to be have action and we witness some surprising things about Moroha about her wielding strong spiritual power thanks to being the daughter of Kagome, whom was the reincarnation of Kikyo.

Inuyasha OST - Kagome and Kikyo - YouTube
It’s all linked

Another, the rouge she uses isn’t for aesthetic nor is it a gimmick for having Middle School Syndrome; when she puts it on, it seems her demonic power is unleashed and her personality seems to become colder. She goes to town on Jakotsumaru easily and defeats one of the 4 pillars for the last time by throwing out attacks that her father, Inuyasha did!

Soul-scattering iron claws, Iron Reaver Soul Stealer. | Sfondi iphone,  Sfondi
Iron Reaver Soul Stealer; I bet a lot of kids did this and annoyed their parents

That was a shocking moment, I tell you what! I didn’t even think she’d pull out that!

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My literal reaction

Towa and Setsu also aid in beating the red shirts, being skeleton warriors, and Towa having a realization that sometimes she has to fight. She then gives Tokotsu his rights as she, somehow uses her power to send the tainted spirit to the yonder.

Look, no way I can describe it, except Moroha got the big experience while Setsu said some phrase and Moroha used her demon blade energy as it it were like Tenseiga to send the spirit along.

殺生丸 | Wiki | Anime Amino
Could Towa have some power similar to Tenseiga?

Afterward, Moroha is exhausted from her transformation and the episode ends.

Some extra tidbits; the rouge is actually from Inuyasha’s mother, Iazayoi and she somehow inherited it.

Izayoi - InuYasha
Sorrowful mother

Mygoa was the one telling these facts about Moroha during the course of the fight. It’s amazing that he didn’t run off as always. Of course he does but he was waiting on Moroha to change just so he can suck her sweet dog-demon blood that she inherited from Inuyasha.

It’s noteworthy that it’s sweeter then her dad’s. The Red Rainbow Pearl originally belonged to Tokotsu. The battle that destroyed his body was indeed Moroha in her enhanced state and it seems it can only last a minute before all her energy is drained and is sleeping for a day to recover.

Along with Moroha has no memory of what happens during that time. Add that puzzle to the pile.

There was also an appearance of the Raccoon dog demon Takechiyo – the Shippo role. He is the aid of the corpse dealer and is tasked with following Moroha to see if she does the job and give back any info. It’s kind of sketchy but there is no evil intent.

I don’t really think much of this character…

It seems Jyubei has knowledge of the trio being demon princesses. Whether this turns into something in the future remains to be seen.

Kyuki is also introduced in this episode and she has that evil femininity going on. The four pillars, as mentioned, are from the west and traveled to the mainland and are under this show’s big bad it seems.

Not sure if it’s a united front however when the eventual clash of the trinity and her ever starts, it’s going to be awesome!

I really enjoyed this episode as you can tell. I didn’t think I would like Moroha in the beginning but that slowly changed and this one cemented for me liking her and not underestimating her. Moroha will offer a big factor to the group dynamic.

Also, it seems Setsu said a Buddhist phase that she heard from a random monk. We know it’s Miroku given the brief scenario but his face is covered and she is rather quiet with the information for some reason.

At least we got lots of action and exposition. 8 out of 10 for this episode. If you aren’t in it, then I don’t know what to tell you.

Until next time!