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Good day, everyone. It’s time for the weekly Yashahime review!!

This week, is going to be a short one! Sorry for that but it was exposition mixed with fights this time.

We begin with the pirate Riku approching the corpse dealer and learn that he is the client wanting Towa, Setsuna and Moroha to deal with the four perils. He still gives off a shady feel.

The demon princess trio chase Yotsume, the four-eyed owl demon that has been a pain in the ass for a time since we were introduced, and he winds up going by to Kyuki; one of the four perils.

Kyuki admonishes her servant for returning and begging for his life and then decides to use the purple rainbow pearl on him to give him a boost with his demonic powers. This works and he goes on the attack.

For Towa, she is trying to catch up to her sister and cousin (the latter knowledge still not known to the characters) and bumps into the raccoon demon. She gives him some sweets to persuade the obnoxious demon to help her and get to them quickly. He is all but happy too.

Moroha and Setsuna arrive and the former attacks Yotsume until he fires a beam of light at her and forces her to go to sleep. Towa nimbly dodges and catches her. Soon, Towa and the kid arrive but wind up hit by the beam attack and Setsu has to once again catch her companions.

This part reminds me of an episode of the X-men Animated show where Rouge is always catching one or two of the characters from meeting a bad end, to be honest.

It’s revealed that the attack shows the dreams of the one caught up in it and we see the dreams of what’s happening, which is a glimpse of the past.

Moroha, Towa and Takechiyo are able to see each other’s dreams; for Moroha, Takechiyo witness this occurrence of her hidden past where we see Kagome and Inuyasha with a baby Moroha being held by her mother and giving her the rouge from Izayoi and for some reason, being confronted by Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru? It ends with Kagome giving her child to Hachi and escape.

Moroha see’s Takechiyo’s past a little where it’s shown that Miroku gave the raccoon demon to the demon corpse dealer and the bit of info on him is he seems to be a lord of some kind and Hachi is linked to the racoon’s storyline.

Towa on the other and gets a glimpse of the demon butterfly that somehow is linked to the Tree of Ages and sees the butterfly take Setsuna’s dream and give it to a bound Rin.

Meanwhile, Setsu is dealing with Yotsume in a decent fashion of her bobbing, weaving and letting lose her attacks and is able to destroy the owl. This in turn causes the one’s under sleep to awaken. Then, Kyuki shows up and winds up taken back the demon pearl, and is able to take Towa and Moroha’s demonic powers due to them being hit by it earlier.

Soon another battle erupts as Kyuki takes on her true demon form and it’s surprising that it’s some furry four-legged demonic beast with wings, which is kind of at odds for me since she has bird wings. I expected at least a hawk form.

Setsuna is the only one able to fend against her until Moroha has an idea and explains to Towa that she can absorb demonic energy that is used against her but she has to be able to withstand the attack, if she can’t she will die.

Towa goes for it and after seemingly failing, she sees Setsu get hurt (not a bad wound, just knocked out briefly) and she uses the Azure Dragon Strike and defeats Kyuki.

As the trio gather, Riku, the pirate, arrives and he is actually the one to get the killing blow on Kyuki, unknown to the trio. Before that, it’s shown that Kyuki is aware of Riku and the latter shows his disgust for the demon. He takes the purple pearl and gives his goodbye to Towa.

Overall, good info and it’s slowly coming together regarding Moroha having no memory of being raised by Kagome and Inuyasha due to being taken as a baby for a reason. It seems Kirinmaru was after them with Sesshomaru. That’s concerning given it’s flipping Sesshy and you’d think he’d at least be against it.

It’s disconcerting that the family is getting broken up by fate it seems. Setsuna’s dreams being incorporated into Rin is also an eye opener. Though the tree of ages is suspect.

Riku also seems to be up to something and has a facination with Towa. Along with he mentioned that Towa’s Azue Dragon Wave was “half-assed”, meaning she hasn’t tapped into the full use of her powers yet. He also seems to know about her lineage.

Whatever his plans, it won’t boat well for the main characters.

Towa’s abilities are put in the forefront on what she can do. Aborbing demonic energy and redirecting it seems to be good but she’ll have to build up her tolorence for pain and defence to make it effective in the coming episodes.

It’s noteworthy given she is the oldest sibling, I guess she would have that ability, unlike Setsuna. Wow, I wonder if we’ll ever get any growth with Setsuna?

I mentioned in the last posts that she is, sadly, one-note. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed seeing her go to town with what she did in this episode, however in regards for growth, nothing much. Sure, we briefly see that Towa does matter to her more than she let’s on but, like any troupe, she goes right back to indifference.

I believe in you Setsuna!

The racoon child was also amazing to me. I don’t really think much of him given he’s just a mascot, however, being linked to Miroku’s associate Hachi, is intriguing and where is that chubby dude-demon anyway?

I give this episode a 7 out of 10.

In unforunate news, Kirby Morrow has died and it’s distressing news to hear.

Kirby Morrow Dead: 'Dragon Ball Z' and 'Ninjago' Voice Actor Was 47 -  Variety
R.I.P Kirby

He voiced Miroku in Inuyasha dub and the last time you hear him is in the first episode of Yashahime of this year.

I first heard him as Trowa Barton in Gundam Wing in the late 90’s. Then as Vahn Fanel in The Vision of Escaflone dubbed by Bandai and using Canadian VA’s.

Trowa Barton | Gundam wing, Mobile suit gundam wing, Gundam
Trowa Barton, pilot of Heavyarms
did Hitomi choose a better boyfriend? Allen Schezar vs Van Fanel | NeoGAF
Van Fanel from Escaflone

He went to other shows and anime in his career and he will be missed by fans and peers alike.

That’s it for this one. Sorry it was so late. Until next time!